“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them”
- Jesus
We would love to welcome your family.
At Forest Baptist, we have a kids program that runs during our gathering each Sunday. Leaders who have a Working With Children Check and meet our Safe Church requirements lead a time of connection, learning, play and food.
At the moment, our program includes kids aged preschool to year seven but as we grow, we will facilitate more groups.
The kids meet in the hall, where there is space for them to play, ask, wonder, listen, watch and eat together.
What to Expect
Before the 9.30am service begins, kids and families are free to chat, play or find a seat.
If you are new, one of our kids team will connect with you, get some details (such as names, allergies etc) and you’ll need to sign your child(ren) in.
Our service starts for all ages at 9.30am, in the main auditorium. We sing, pray and connect together. Children should sit with an adult or guardian, and we often supply clipboards if they would like to draw while they participate.
During the gathering, someone will announce the start of the kids program and pray for them. This is when the children are to make their way to the back, where they will follow the leaders out to the hall. You are welcome to escort them out and help them settle if you’d like.
When the service finishes, the kids program also ends. Usually there is a fluid transition, where parents and guardians come and collect their kids- or, the kids come back into the gathering space. The Forest Kids leaders will ensure your children find their way back to you!